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KeteranganRegulation of transcription in mammals.jpg
English: An active enhancer regulatory region is enabled to interact with the promoter region of its target gene by formation of a chromosome loop. This can initiate messenger RNA (mRNA) synthesis by RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) bound to the promoter at the transcription start site of the gene. The loop is stabilized by one architectural protein anchored to the enhancer and one anchored to the promoter and these proteins are joined together to form a dimer (red zigzags). Specific regulatory transcription factors bind to DNA sequence motifs on the enhancer. General transcription factors bind to the promoter. When a transcription factor is activated by a signal (here indicated as phosphorylation shown by a small red star on a transcription factor on the enhancer) the enhancer is activated and can now activate its target promoter. The active enhancer is transcribed on each strand of DNA in opposite directions by bound RNAP IIs. Mediator (a complex consisting of about 26 proteins in an interacting structure) communicates regulatory signals from the enhancer DNA-bound transcription factors to the promoter.
untuk berkongsi – untuk menyalin, mengedar dan memindah hasil kerja
untuk mencampur semula – untuk menyesuaikan karya
Di bawah syarat berikut:
pengiktirafan – Anda mesti memberi penghargaan yang berpatutan, bekalkan pautan ke lesen, dan tunjukkan jika perubahan telah dibuat. Anda boleh lakukannya dalam sebarang cara yang munasabah, tetapi bukan dalam sebarang cara yang mencadangkan pemberi lesen mengendors anda atau penggunaan anda.
perkongsian serupa – Jika anda mengubah, adun semula, atau menokok tambah bahan, anda mesti menyebarkan sumbangan anda di bawah lesen yang sama atau serasi dengan yang asal.